© 2000-2025 | AGNI YOGA.WS

Love in action is wise dominion, a sovereign conscious state, the Self-Governing Authority,  Ying and Yang in Perfect Equilibrium, merging. 

It is liken to the serpent eating his own tail to the point of completely inverting, by submission within to the very heart, the Centre Indivisible, with its liberty and justice for all.  The Indivisible, blissfully releases and disappears into the complete invisibility of the Silent Great Void of Potentiality, which is the very Centre of the Heart, the Source of All, or Nothing, the Transcendent Vastness of Absolute Infinity.  

Neither here nor there.  Infolded in transcendency, within the within of this fiery core of unity and wholeness, the Holy of Holies, the Heart of The Non-thing, no longer mute issues forth the Centre Indivisible, then unfolds and reverts to Self-serving regeneration.  

The Great Plan of purpose is developing a greater generation of light-bearing, divine sparks of light, emerging from the solar flames into separation for the soul are flames, conceptualization. Pregnant with illumination, giving birth to the pureness of consciousness, the concept of the virgin birth of the son, 
Light, the pure son and flame of Love and Life, let Us, We the Hierarchy, The Origins of Equanimity, make man in Our own Image.  

Cognize the Father-Mother as the Source, Thy Being the Son of Conception, the Spiritual Sun of Their Infoldment in Transcendent Bliss, where Silence is Golden, Balance the Mean, and Actualization, is just 
That; "I Am That I Am," the Truth, thus the Great Middle Way.  Tat Tvum Asi (That Thou Art).  This Perfection is the True Love, the Way of the Heart.     ...Hierarchy

 OM   OM   OM   NOEL

Traditional Materialization of the Origin

My spiritual 
journey began as a youthful Baptist Christian (however unconscious), to be later inspired with inner sense and vision, waxing poetically ardent with psalms/songs for The Beloved, as Sufi Mystic; all the while, being seasoned true as Yogini of the Siva Order, with an over and inner lay of pure gold/goal, as Artisan of the Rose Croix.

My assumption, then, now and forever, is to continue 
circumambulating the Heart of God; Being, a permanent atom in the Heart of God.

Going through the period of synthesis and  
very joy-filled due to the Teachings, its study and the practical systematic instruction provided by the "Order," the Artisan lovingly emerged, expressing resoundingly in my committed life.  

The synthesis of head, heart and hand recalled the high-minded, goal-centered, and indeed heroic action of mitigating and reconciling contraries, mood-swings, mental analysis, conquering mediocrity, and the inertia that was the 
drama play  featuring "my ego" driven personality.  

Thus made whole and free through synthesis, also called, "The Great Middle Way," the mastery of self by the very inner ritual of the sacred, mystic Heart fire, evokes eternal joy and service toward the betterment of all mankind. 

The Teachings are so very direct.  The simile of an arrow piercing straight to the Heart is liken to the core Teaching of all Mystery Schools and Ancient Initiatic Orders.  Immediately, it is delightful to partake of the 'Light' intoxicant, quaffing the Elixir from the Sacred Cup.  

Wondrous and transcendent, joyful and regenerative, such Teaching is the Way of the Heart, that is the Mother's Purity and Luminosity.

As an Artisan, the martial art of the spiritual warrior is chivalrous in its protection of the Summit of the Mount, ensuring that only the staunchly prepared, yea the philosopher King, communes with the Center of Direct Cognition, the Heart.  

Our Beloved Master and Brother 
Jesus, the Christ, in his 'Sermon on the Mount' gave the BE Attitude, "only the Pure in Heart shall see God."   

Thus, Christ reveals the Way, the highway, a weigh(ing) of the scales of Truth, and the crowning glory of the One Fold, One Shepherd, The Great Centered Son.  

Et too, as the Knight, 
O' Holy Knight, Son of God, Loves Pure Light, O' Knight Divine, Christ is inside and beside our fair maidenhood through motherhood; the Immaculate Concept which is for the defense of Truth, Trinity and Immortality.  


Be Pure in Heart!  Know then, the Pure in Heart is a rarefied community, a refined community of clear selves (cells), lovingly armed with the Sword of Truth; each with their unique abilities, talents and duties, even though shared by all in varying degrees, intimately working together (in 
Holy Communion for the Great See).  

This vanguard of selves (cells) supply the vital life force of regenerate energy for service to all life, worlds without end, by and through the process and graceful flowing movements of circumambulating the 
as conscious life of the Lamb of God.  

I Am That I Am; I Am the One, God-Cosmic Man, the Hierarchy of Light; the Mother of Co-Creation, Mater-in-Realization, The Origin in Materialization.  


Sat Tat Aum

Aum-Om-Home              Yoga Mandala             About Agni Yoga (AY)              The Quest              Soul's Journey 
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* Agni Yoga Society

Sema Ceremony performed by Shaikh Kabir Helminshi and the Mevlevi Dervishes of Turkey at the Turbe of Jelaluddin Rumi

The Heart as the Perfect Asana

Soul's Journey to Origin

The Holy Sparks
And Their  Redemption

In all that is in the world dwell holy sparks, no thing is empty of them. 

In the actions of men also, indeed even in the sins that a man does, dwell holy sparks of the glory of God. 

And what is it that the sparks await that dwell in the sins? 

It is the Turning. 

In the hour where you turn from a sin you have embraced, you raise the holy spark entrapped by it to the Higher World of Heaven.

The Baal Shem Tov

The Holy Sparks

And Their  Redemption

In all that is in the world dwell holy sparks, no thing is empty of them.

 In the actions of men also, indeed even in the sins that a man does, dwell holy sparks of the glory of God.

 And what is it that the sparks await that dwell in the sins? 

It is the Turning. 

In the hour where you turn from a sin you have embraced, you raise the holy spark entrapped by it to the Higher World of Heaven.

The Baal Shem Tov

        AGNI YOGA (Sacred Heart Fire) 

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 Sing The Song Of Light, O’ The Heart!

I belong to the Beloved and the Beloved belongs to me.  O’ Agni,
Ravishing in saffron, billowed bliss blossoms diamond spray ruby rays.
We fly free to kiss each bud anew, intone forever the holy hemlock.
Wavering, I blink and cry out!  The bells toll, afraid, I panic and knock.
I longingly request, then beseech, even beg and cajole.  In breach,
I am lost, I retreat, ignore, belittle, bemoan, try to affirm, alas atone.

Surrender to The Watchmen, The Observer, The  Wise, 
Them That Know, All in All, The Standard & Art.

I Sing The Song Of Light, O’ The Heart!

When my Soul reveals Him, She whispers softly and sings.
I could not recall, nor was it as I thought.  She screams, demands.
I am shocked!  I resisted, fought, felt estranged, conflicted,
Wrought.  Yet, I knew it to be true for it resonated and love grew.
Finally, turning I let go so the pure reign of crystal lithe snow
Would purify, and sincerity reveal my heart’s true nature, in tears.

Surrender to The Watchmen, The Observer, The Wise, 
Them That Know, All in All, The Standard & Art

I Sing The Song Of Light, O’ The Heart!

A sharp pain, a loss of memory; the shadow, the fall.
Dormant, asleep in multi-layered pods deep in the bowels.
Veiled.  Exiled.  What spew I mined!  I engraved fear, disease, doubt,
Imaged distortion, the fallacies and fantasies, of war-control and clout;
Delusions of time, of independence, power and superiority of mind.

Surrender to The Watchmen, The Observer, The Wise, 
Them That Know, All in All, The Standard & Art.

I Sing The Song Of Light, O’ The Heart!

Right here; Right now; Tonight

I Sing The Song Of Light, O’ The Heart!

In silent stillness; feeling no loss, never forgotten, never suffering, never alone,
Never dying, never separate, never broken, not being without, nor ever born.
I forgive myself, the perceived; the concepts of limit, of denial, the fright, of disease.
I AM That I AM!  Centered.  Remembering!  United and reintegrated, regenerated!
In the Heart of the Beloved, we are knighted!; as Knights of the Round Table, enabled;
Spiritually free from terror nights of the underground psyche fable; the no-fly zone.

Surrendered to The Watchmen, The Observer, The Wise,
Them That Know, All in All, The Standard & Art.

I Sing The Song Of Light, O’ The Heart!

Singing the Song of Light, I 'breathe in’ where there is no sin, then exhale,
‘My soul loveth beyond the veils.'  Clear of all fear and all doubt, I sail. I AM!
Now, soaring with the Beloved and He with me, eternally together, through Infinity.
 O’ Agni, faithfully, I see, 'A Heart Aflame in Love is the Way to Be.'

I Sing The Song Of Light, O’ The Heart!

Surrendered to The Watchmen, The Observer, The  Wise, 
Them That Know, All in All, The Standard & Art.

 'Sing The Song Of Light, O’ The Heart!'

The Exercise Of Consciousness Is The Yoga Of The Heart 

Dance: The Lover and The Beloved